Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Archeological Desserts, pt 2

“Good morning, Professor.” Laura’s manner was as cool as her skin was hot in the morning desert sun as she shook her long auburn locks free from her tanned shoulders. “I see you’ve stumbled onto some dino gastroliths. I’ll get my notebook and start logging data.”

“My God, Girl, you are a scientist’s dream! What a great satisfaction it is to employ one with such organization, such skill, such willingness. Not like that last damn assistant who was always running off to powder her nose.”

Laura always despised Professor Snood when he started running down her predecessor, but what irritated her the most was his inevitable paralipsis.

“And we won’t even mention how fecund she was,” he said. “No, that would be just too much to heap on right now.”

Laura let her silence hang, oppressive in the hot, still morning, until the man became uncomfortable, recognizing her displeasure and anxious to win back her favor.

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